German Market
Empower your sports betting business with the German specific regional offer.
About the Market
The new German gambling regulation (the State Treaty on Gambling 2021) will bring substantial changes to the German gambling regulation. There will be new licensing options for online poker, virtual slots and online casino and table games. The current licensing options for sports betting and lotteries will be extended.
Partner Solutions
Choose the solution that best meets your needs and start growing your business

White Label


Partner API


B2C Virtual Slot and Sports Betting Licenses by GGL (Gemeinsamen Glücksspielbehörde der Länder)
Responsible Person

Gor Mnatsakanyan
Regional Director
[email protected]
Monday - Friday, 9:00 - 18:00, UTC +2
Regional Office
Mindspace Building 2nd level, Krausenstraße 9-10, 10117 Berlin