To guarantee non-stop playing experience and longer player lifetime, BetConstruct delivers an enjoyable promotion for operators and their players.
Wonder Wheel Promotion is specifically tailored to boost player engagement and create even more involving gameplay for them. With a library of best features, this thrilling wheel of fortune fits right to join the full catalogue of BetConstruct and bring more spins and bets to operators’ casinos.
Speaking in favor of the 2,500,000 EUR promo, BetConstruct backs this campaign with such high stakes to provide wider marketing opportunities for its operators.
The addition of Wonder Wheel to BetConstruct’s far-reaching portfolio of games and advertising campaigns can lead to higher performance rates on operators’ websites and to constant expansion of their reach. In just two weeks of operation on 70+ websites Wonder Wheel has registered thousands of players.
Wonder Wheel Promo is already available and ready to cater for BC operators and contribute profits to their business.